How to Seed on Gigalixir

This sharing assumes that you already have a deployed version of your application on Gigalixir using Elixir Releases

Getting started with Gigalixir

Deploy your first application

Gigalixit made it very easy to seed in 3 simple steps

1- Login to your remote console

Add your SSH key to remote server

gigalixir account:ssh_keys:add "$(cat ~/.ssh/"

Login to your console

gigalixir ps:remote_console

Once in the remote console, your input may get slower, so give it couple of seconds when your paste or press enter

2- Locate your seed file

You need to tell Gigalixir where your seed file file, by default it should be in your priv directory.

seed_script = Path.join(["#{:code.priv_dir(:myapp)}", "repo", "seeds.exs"])

We are here using the buildin function :code.priv_dir(:myapp) in order to retreive the priv folder. We can also use this function insside your elixir code, for example to write or read files

3- Execute the script

Then we can execute the file with the following command


Further reading

  • Read LiveAir, a personal journey into Phoenix Framework